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Millesan Drews Pixie Field Guide



You may remember Drews Pixies from the 1940s or 50s or have seen them and wondered who created these magical beings. I found so little information online and I needed to know more. It has become a bit of an obsession for me. After a few years of research, I created this website to showcase Millesan Drews and her art.

I have divided the Pixies and her art into different eras and include a page for a mystery I call the Cali-Crown Connection. I also have a special page featuring custom pieces passed down to family members and graciously shared with me.

Each page will have information and history with a gallery at the bottom. This is the easiest way for me to share so many pictures. Click on any picture in the gallery to enlarge it.

My name is Jennifer Bradshaw and I have been collecting and researching ceramic pixies for a few years. I also work as a dental technician and a freelance copyeditor. If you have a connection to Millesan Drews, Pixie Potters, or Cali-Crown, or have Pixies you wish to sell, I'd love to hear more! Please contact me at

© 2020-2024 Drews Pixie Field Guide. The Drews Pixie Field Guide website and logo are owned by Jennifer Bradshaw. All rights are reserved, including the right to reproduce the logo, photos, or any material on this website in any form, including by copying or scanning, on audio or video, or other electronic methods.

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